Seeing the Beast


Scott’s Role - Co-writer and Director

Seeing the Beast was created in collaboration with students at Colgate University as part of their fall 2014 season. H.I.P.P. (Holistic Innovation for a Progressive Planet) welcomes you to “Rewilding Hamilton,” a special presentation by accomplished young author and Colgate University alumnus Randy Tzu. Mr. Tzu puts forward the controversial proposal to reintroduce wolves to the surrounding area as part of a solution to control the overpopulation of white-tailed deer. That is until his Mandarin translator turns into a deer, he himself is transformed into a wolf, and what began as a science talk goes suddenly very wild.

Part fairytale, part nature documentary, and part Brechtian interrogation of the stories we tell about animals, Seeing the Beast was the result of a semester-long residency at Colgate University. Director Scott Sheppard lived on campus in Hamilton, NY and worked with Mason Rosenthal, Colgate professor Ken Watt, and an ensemble of Colgate University students to create this original work of theater.


Go Long Big Softie

